Usually before the actual therapeutic massage, I receive a comfortable head massage to get me "settled-down" even though I've experienced this massage before. Yes, I've walked-up the ramp onto this comfortable massage table, but I am a creature-of-the-moment, and to receive a head massage to prepare for treatments of pressure points and muscle spasms, does help me "settle" and am total aware I will be experiencing 2-hours therapeutic massage comfort and health-care. So sweet. . .
I run with deep and long strides in my active lifestyle. So when I receive shoulder and leg massage treatments it helps to increase my range of motion, most importantly, the contractual release of muscles are much more flexible in the shortening and lengthening of the muscles depending on what rascal-of-an-activity I am doing! Even when I'm in the ocean I can swim at long lengths. Once, I saw another dog's frisbee floating nearby, I swam to capture it! What can the other dog do in the ocean? Jump me? Nah....I just swam away fast and took the frisbee to shore to hide it. But, guess who is running after me? Mommy! The faster she ran after me, the faster I ran with deep and long strides. Well, Mommy made my athletic endurance possible through therapeutic massages! But, with her command of "STOP" I listen. I am obedient. Mommy, my Massage Therapist, returns the frisbee to the dog Gumpi still in the ocean watching us. Geez. . .
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Churchill Graham |